Kari Brandt
We live in a time when many of us have become rather too good at getting rid of our clothes after a relatively short time. The temptations of textiles are everywhere, and the more of them we fall for and buy, the more we contribute to the eternal demand for new clothes. 'Use and throw away' reflects a culture that aligns quite poorly with the intentions many of us have to give the environment a helping hand. That is why we have created the mini-series 'USE – AND DON’T THROW AWAY', which offers good alternatives.
Here, you can meet five of us who are part of creating LAURIE, and hopefully find inspiration for rethinking both our wardrobes and wardrobe responsibility. In other words, we give you insight into how each of us adopts a sustainable mindset when we feel the urge for something new in our wardrobe. The first woman in the inspiration chair is our Quality and Compliance Manager, Kari Brandt.

New clothes are a must – or are they?
When the desire for new clothes arises – or rather, it’s more accurate to describe it as an inner voice that almost screams that new clothes are essential – I try to go through my wardrobe to see if I can find an alternative among my own clothes that is just as good.
And I can often do that. That said, it’s not the case that I never buy new clothes. I certainly do, but my purchases are always very well-considered, and I only buy items that I expect will have a long life in my wardrobe.

Different buying arguments
Considering my work, one might think that the right certifications are always the most significant buying arguments for me. However, the reality is that they are just one argument among many when I'm on the hunt for something new that I truly need. If I really need a black silk shirt, I will buy the one that speaks to me the most – even if it doesn't have the certifications I would prefer it to have.
The thing is, that exact black silk shirt that speaks to me the most is also the one that will end up lasting the longest in my wardrobe. And longevity is one of the most important parameters when we talk about responsibility in the wardrobe. The longer the newly acquired black silk shirt can (survive), the better!"

Meaningful clothing – purchased for a long life
I am always looking for what I need in a version where consideration has been given to both the environment and the people behind the production. If it doesn't exist with the desired certifications, I search in thrift stores. That said, it is still the black silk shirt that speaks to me the most that ultimately wins out. Because that is simply the one I know I will love the most.
In other words, my clothing is carefully selected and therefore significant to me – which is why I also take good care of it. I wash and maintain it as much as possible according to the instructions, and I repair clothes that have gone a little bit wrong instead of immediately getting rid of them. However, I readily admit that it can end up sitting in the repair pile for quite a while before it’s ready for use again.
For me, it’s important to give my clothes the best conditions for a long life – and fortunately, there are many ways to treat clothes well and gently. When I have a piece of clothing that I really love, I am especially careful about how I wash it – and it is often more gentle than what is actually stated in the washing instructions.
Blog posts

Use - and don't throw away - Deran Gündogdu
We live in a time when many of us have become a bit too quick to dispose of our clothing after a relatively short period. Temptations in the form of textiles are everywhere, and the more of them we...
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Use - and don't throw away - Kari Brandt
We live in a time when many of us have become rather too good at getting rid of our clothes after a relatively short time. The temptations of textiles are everywhere, and the more of them we fall f...
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Denim has been an essential part of the fashion world for many years, and no wardrobe is complete without a good pair of classic women's jeans, if you ask us. Stretch denim jeans are a timeless and...
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